Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yay or Nay? Duke of Alba

Naturally, Madame d'Aguesseau de Fresnes' ensemble met with a Yay. The lady's got taste, what can I say! Heck, I'd walk out of the house in that today, maybe sans turban though. Today we're going to take a look at menswear from Spain and see if that tickles our fancy.

Francisco Goya paints José Álvarez de Toledo (1795) in his interesting turn of the century ensemble of a salmon coat, slate pants, and some slimming black boots. Yay or Nay?


  1. Fabulous! I like the colors, and on a nice shape like his it's very flattering. Yay!

  2. I like the coat and shirt - but I dislike the overlap of the stockings (?) over the boots. Looks weird, IMO. Other then this -he is a slender guy - so I say Yay!

  3. I delight in Goya's ability to chastize his wealthy subjects while making them officially "look good".

    Yay to Goya. Enough said.

  4. A total YAY on the menswear! The gray with the salmon is a great combination, and I even like the stockings showing just a bit. Gives a bit of pizazz to the overall look.

    But I want to shout at him to stand up straight. He looks like he's got gas...

  5. Yay - I like those colors together

  6. I think his stance looks unnatural, but he does have some sexy legs, which the posture highlights. I wish there was a darker salmon piping or something to detail the jacket and give it a bit more pop, but overall a 'yay'. Did I mention what great legs he has?

  7. Absolutely yay! I love the colors and the pose of the sitter. Wonderful Goya.

  8. Oh yay. Great coat. sigh. I wish men dressed like this today. Is that too much to ask?

  9. The coat is nice, but with those pants? Eugh.

  10. @cherylynn Yes, it is.

    Yay, because I had a positive reaction to the whole thing before I started thinking too hard about it.

  11. Hmmmmm.... Nay. Something about this just doesn't agree with me, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

  12. Nay, I see nothing special about this outfit. The colors work well together but anyone can match. I feel the painting lacks detail, as if it were done by anmeture with water colors.
