Monday, July 26, 2010

Hunk Alert: George, Baron Dover

SWM, Politician, lover of humanities seeking fellow lover of the humanties
Likes: Art, writing, keeping up with friends

Many were surprised by my decision to go into politics, for I have a much keener interest in the liberal arts.  However I like to use my position to support those things which I enjoy so much.  I am a big fan of art and literature.  I also have a firm belief for fighting for the 'little guy' and tend to be labeled as a liberal politician.  I'm also quite 'green,' and was appointed First Commissioner of Woods and Forests.

It is only natural for me to want to find a like-minded companion.  While I'm not necessarily interested in a politically-minded lady, a liberally-minded wife who enjoys the every-day fireside chat about the latest book would be wonderful.  If you also have an appreciate for the great outdoors, I'm as good as yours!


  1. You're so wonderful, I could eat you with a spoon!

  2. He would have made a good Yay or Nay too but who could ignore that pretty face!

  3. I love the hunk section! Don't they just make you wish you were alive back then?

    Sorry for what I am about to say because it is off subject.

    @Heather, have you ever thought of using Queen Anne Bullen, 2nd wife of Henry VIII, as a tart of the week?

  4. Though he's *much* too pretty for me, I can certainly see where the women of his time would be falling all over themselves to gain his attention!

    (not thrilled with the fur trim though)

  5. Oh man, what a gorgeous piece of man! I just want to grab a big handful of that hair...

  6. Handsome, well dress, aristocratic and wearing furs... Why did my soul mate was born centuries ago?

    Meanwhile go HERE. I think you will like it...

  7. Marry me...

    I hate looking old portraits and finding men who are two hundred years older than me terribly handsome!!

  8. @Miss Honnete, I've never thought of it like that before. I see them and they look young, not like men who are over 200 years old! I'll never look at the hunk section the same way again...

  9. Sir, I'd be more than delighted to make your acquaintance - and discuss politics - but can we do that in a rather different position than seated in front of the fire please?

    All in the interest of the, *cough*, underdog of course!

    Also, @Fabulastic, that link is hilarious!

  10. He looks a bit like Wickham from Pride & Prejudice (the BBC version because it's the best)...
    He can plant trees for me anytime! :)

  11. Mmmm.... If Only I was alive back then... LMAO

  12. My taste is far from nearly everyone here. I suppose I prefer ugly men. I can appreciate his chin.
