Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yay or Nay? Mrs Musters

Poor Madame de Genlis.  She wore her frilliest bonnet and it was panned, most everyone gave her a big Nay and labeled her a fashion victim.  Methinks bonnets are not this crowd's cup of tea, particularly ones will big bows.  Perhaps we can try some of the same elements of the rejected bonnet in hat form?

George Romney paints Mrs Musters (detail, 1779-80) in a white chapeau à la Marlborough. Yay or Nay?



  1. I say Yay; the colors are not too overwhelming and it is relatively simple in design. I just wish I could see more of her face.

  2. I wish I could say yay, but alas, I cannot. There's just something about the size...maybe I'm not a big hat person, I don't know. It has all the right elements. It's just...

    Nay. Sorry.

  3. It's oddly fuzzy but I say Yay! Love the crisp blue on white.

  4. Yay! I love this hat!

  5. Yay. Love the blue and white, love the brim and overall shape. Not sure about the fuzzy white bits though. What is that? feathers? fur? a former family pet?

  6. I'm not liking that fuzzy white, I don't see anything wrong with the size and the blue lace is lovely...

    But sorry, that fuzzy top reminds me of a duck I saw the other day: Nay

  7. It's a nay from me too, I'm afraid. I think the fuzzy top is a bit odd and I'd like to see a bit more of Mrs Musters' pretty face. :)

  8. i love big hats! YAY! The colors are so classic and crisp together.

  9. Whew, sad. Was the painter inexperienced? Perhaps lost his/her fashion sense. It looks like a white porcupine on top. Where did you dig this up?
    Au Revoir,

  10. I think she looks very classy and elegant. Yay from me!

  11. It DOES look like a white porcupine is sitting of her hat. Which is a shame, because she is very pretty, I wish we could see more of her face. That's a nay for me :(

  12. Oh, what to say. Yay...or...nay? I'm ok with the size of the hat. I also like the blue ribbon. However, whatever that white crap in the middle is is terrible. Still, I can picture it looking very pretty on. Yay, though not a huge one.

  13. I know we are just judging hats, but it is hard to tell without the outfit that goes with it. After all, an accessory is only as good as what it goes with.

    Just based on the hat, I'd say Nay. It's a little awkward and overpowering in shape. And it does look like a porcupine, or a small wet dog, is sitting on her head.

  14. I am going to have to agree with the nay crowd. The porcupine bonnet gives me bad flash backs of hairsprayed 80s' bangs.

  15. I am not sure... I love the colours, and the size does not scare me off either. I think it's the fuzziness of the white, it does not appeal to me. So it must be a nay from me!
