Sunday, May 29, 2011

Yay or Nay? Madame Adelaide

Madame Le Couteulx de Molay hit a home run with her gown last week, earning her a Yay.  This week I've been seeing a lot of stars and stripes...but mostly stars.  So let's run with this theme!

Jean-Marc Nattier paints Marie Adelaide of France (1756) in a peach gown bedecked with silver stars. Yay or Nay?



  1. I would have to say yay for this one. The color and design match perfectly, with neither one overpowering the other.

  2. Love the dress, definitely love the stars! But she needs bigger hair or something to balance her out, it looks like the dress overwhelms her. Still, I'll give her a yay for sparkling.


  3. She looks like she's trapped in a cage. But it's a pretty cage, so yay.

  4. Yay, very lovely, looks light and airy (though I bet it weighs a ton). I'd not bother with the big pink choker though, go for something less bulky.

  5. Definitely yay. Look at that detail! Gorgeous!

  6. Yay! The dress is awesome! I agree with the second comment, though. She needs something on her head to balance it out. She's way too bottom-heavy.

  7. I love sparkly and this is sparkly! YAY!

    Two caveats though. I agree she would do better with something to balance her out so she's not so bottom heavy and as lovely as this picture is, I hate peach on most everyone only because I can't wear it so in this case, this yay is huge.

    Heather! What is that stuff above your header?

  8. Yay, although personally I like neither lace nor ruffles. But for her time and place, this is stunning.

    I could not help but think of the thousands of woman-hours that went into the making of the lace, the ruffles, and the embroidery.

  9. Yay! Gorgeous girl! One would hope that those rosy cheeks are not really quite that rosy in life, as it was a fairly accurate sign of consumption or so I have read. Retro

  10. Yay! I love the dress with all the lace and embroidery. So beautiful!

  11. A definite Yay! Reine des Centfeuilles recreated this dress some years ago, but I cannot seem to find a photograph of it anymore, sadly.

  12. Yay! And I like her hair,she looks like a pretty bell. :)

  13. Yay- but man, that is a lot of skirt!

  14. To be quite frank, the colour and style of her dress is awful (those ruffled sleeves.. argh!) However, there is something magnetic about her eyes- as though she can see you, but chooses not to directly look at you.

    Nevertheless it takes some resolve to wear a dress that looks so uncomfortable (hot, heavy, itchy etc.) so I give it a Yay.

    P.s. It looks like she's got a taco in her hand. I increase my verdict to a Yay And A Half.

  15. I say yay for this one although she could have done better without the fabric choker and just donned a simple strand of pearls. Her hair also could use a tease!

  16. I'm not a fan of the color. It's like the color of the dress and the majesty of the use of stars are in opposition of one another. I think a darker color would have been better.

  17. NAY! Oh heavens, spare my eyes! Marie Adelaide simple didn't know when to stop, both with her clothes, and with her meddling. The outfit is just too too much, especially for someone who is pretending to do handiwork. And egads, her workbag even matches her dress!

  18. I'm not the biggest fan of the color; it's alright in my opinion. The stars are a nice touch, but I really don't like the ruffled sleeves...This one gets a nay from me.

  19. I like it - yay!

    What is she holding in her hand? At first I thought it was yarn but after looking closer I'm not so sure. Anyone know?

  20. I give it a firm YAY! It works well on her!

  21. A yay from me.

    @Laura: It's a knotting shuttle with thread.

  22. The sleeves are little fussy, but it still gets a yay. Heck, it's peach and got stars. You can't beat that.

    And I rather like the way the 50s balanced big skirts with tiny hair (and huuuuge chokers).

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I don't care much for the sleeves or the choker, but it suits her very well, so yay!

  25. @Alisa - Thank you! I've never heard of that before. It really is very pretty!

  26. Okay, yay for the dress, its a beautiful dress and a lovely colour, just it so doesn't suit her =/

  27. I want to like this, but it's just not gonna happen. Nay! The color is not hideous (though it could be so much better), but all the extraneous silver stars make it that much worse. Plus, Lylassandra, nightmusic and MmeHistoire are right --- a dress like that needs a bigger and more elaborate hairstyle to balance it out.
