Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In the steps of Georgiana

Walking the grounds of Chatsworth with feathered friends


  1. Ah but I wish I were there!

  2. How cute! I hope this is going to be a new series. There are so many places that still exist with a G connection.

    I remember some very bold chickens at Chatsworth. I had to really hustle!

  3. @Polonaise: I hear that. Poultry can be alarming. I was chased onto a picnic table at the tender age of eight by a flock of vicious geese, who gathered round to hiss at me with their satanic tongues. *shivers, glances nervously over shoulder*

  4. Hahaha! It's probably an essential part of childhood to get hissed at by a goose or swan and get the begeezus scared out of you

  5. I wish I was there! phesants and all!

  6. Couldn't I just sit there for about a week and a half? It's a perfect place to sit and read, doze, snack . . .
