"I heard that Ann Radcliffe is dead!"
"No, no, no. She totally went crazy from writing all those Gothic novels, and now she's been committed to an insane asylum!"
"... uh ... I heard she has asthma..."
Heard in 1762: "Have you seen Allan Ramsay's latest portrait of

When Princess Sophia (daughter of George III) became pregnant out of wedlock, rumors circulated that she had been impregnated by her brother. I first read this in Flora Fraser's Princesses : The Six Daughters of George III, which included a frustrating lack of interest in this rumor: Fraser simply points out that the Duke of Cumberland couldn't be the father since all of his probable attempts to rape his sister would have occurred at the wrong time, and then (frustratingly) feels the subject is closed (p. 192, Book 3, Chapter 10).-Emily K.
The Queen of Sweden, that odd, silent Sophia Magdalena, has given birth to a son after twelve years of marriage and the boy is not the son of the King at all! He was begotten by a simple stable hand - well, alright, a Baron - because the King himself was...unable, so he asked his good friend Baron Munck (which, to make things very droll, means monk in the local language. Ha! Ha!) to step in for him and do the deed. Just like Count Ehrensvärd so interestingly has shown us in this little masterpiece to the public delight of King Gustav's mother, the poor little bastard's Grand Mama...
Ever wonder why Casanova, that naughty loverboy, ever kept up with all of his conquests? (takes a pretty energetic guy...) So, his secret? As part of his staple diet, he downed 46 oysters a day...hmm-ok.
I heard Anna Nancy Storace was a total skank and hooked up with Mozart AND Emperor Joseph II.
The gossip I remember I liked very very much was that about Georgiana's Picture Hat. It was one of the firsts I read. I love Georgiana's style, and when I see pictures of her I always admire her her style. So when I read this "gossip" I just loved it.
Well, Susan Fox-Strangeways has done it now. Mr. O’Brien certainly is handsome, but really, marrying an actor? No wonder her parents exiled them to the colonies!
One of the first teabaggers?
From the colony of Pennsylvania, town of Philadelphia, comes news that a lowly female shop keeper, known by the name of Lydia Hyde, is rousing other proprietresses of shops and fellow traders, to call for a general meeting. Her meeting of the merchants is characterized as a local effort in Philadelphia to protest England's passing of the Stamp Act to and forgo the importation and future sales of British goods. Does not the poor lady understand that she is causing harm unto herself and her neighbors by giving up on of the greatest sources of her profits? Tea!
Pst... did you hear that Lord and Lady Auckland were trying to arrange a match between her eldest daughter, Eleanor, and the Prime Minister, William Pitt the Younger?
It is shocking that Sir Hamilton would be so open with his mistress Emma Hart, but after all they were on the Continent. Now I hear that he is going to marry her, and I will have to
address her as Lady Hamilton? Unbearable!
Did you hear that Prinny nearly sliced himself to ribbons when that Papist tart Mrs. Fitzherbert refused him? Leave it to a royal to botch even killing himself . . .
I've just had a confab with miss Burney and she is still not on speaking terms with Mrs.Thrale, or Mrs. Piozzi now I suppose; Dr Johnson has also broken off relations with her. I daresay, it's all very romantic but terribly injudicious. Imagine marrying an Italian music teacher!
Have you seen that new painting of Emma Hamilton? She has a pretty face, but I hear that she’s quite witless!
Goodness, what scathing tongues we have! Now, don't forget to make your way into the French Salon for even more! Thank you for all this great gossip and thank you again to all who have made this a great year of blogging!
The winners (picked out of a hat) are:
The oldest female convict on the First Fleet was Dorothy Handland, an elder in rags and old clothes who was eighty-two years old in 1787. She had drawn seven years for perjury. In 1789, in fit of befuddled despair, she was to hang herself from a gum tree at Sydney Cove, thus becoming Australia's first recorded suicide.
One of the first teabaggers?
From the colony of Pennsylvania, town of Philadelphia, comes news that a lowly female shop keeper, known by the name of Lydia Hyde, is rousing other proprietresses of shops and fellow traders, to call for a general meeting. Her meeting of the merchants is characterized as a local effort in Philadelphia to protest England's passing of the Stamp Act to and forgo the importation and future sales of British goods. Does not the poor lady understand that she is causing harm unto herself and her neighbors by giving up on of the greatest sources of her profits? Tea!
Pst... did you hear that Lord and Lady Auckland were trying to arrange a match between her eldest daughter, Eleanor, and the Prime Minister, William Pitt the Younger?
It is shocking that Sir Hamilton would be so open with his mistress Emma Hart, but after all they were on the Continent. Now I hear that he is going to marry her, and I will have to

Did you hear that Prinny nearly sliced himself to ribbons when that Papist tart Mrs. Fitzherbert refused him? Leave it to a royal to botch even killing himself . . .
I've just had a confab with miss Burney and she is still not on speaking terms with Mrs.Thrale, or Mrs. Piozzi now I suppose; Dr Johnson has also broken off relations with her. I daresay, it's all very romantic but terribly injudicious. Imagine marrying an Italian music teacher!
Have you seen that new painting of Emma Hamilton? She has a pretty face, but I hear that she’s quite witless!
Goodness, what scathing tongues we have! Now, don't forget to make your way into the French Salon for even more! Thank you for all this great gossip and thank you again to all who have made this a great year of blogging!
The winners (picked out of a hat) are:
Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire by Amanda Foreman- Lucy
The Duchess on DVD- Cathy
The Duchess on DVD- Cathy
Congratulations! Email me your mailing address and I will quickly dispatch a courier to your estates.
Happy Birthday darling!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely party! Fabulous gossip! And we are having CAKE!
ReplyDeleteKisses! Three times! And congratulations!
OMG!!! I'm soo happy! Thanks! I never win! Iwouldn't have missed this party for anything:)
ReplyDeleteAs someone who is halfway through MacCarthy's briliiant biog of Byron and has been reading about Georgiana through his eyes, what a remarkable coincidence that I arrive at your interesting blog today.
ReplyDeleteA truly original place amongst a sea of mediocrity
Haha, what an amazing party! :D
ReplyDeleteIt's good to know that a group of 21st C. women could hold their own at any (im)proper 18th C. salon! Wit is always in fashion.
ReplyDeleteThose are terrific pieces of gossip! Congratulations on your anniversary!
ReplyDeleteThank you all for coming ;)
ReplyDeleteMein Name ist Celina, ich lebe in Polen und ich möchte diese Gelegenheit nutzen, um meine wahre Lebensgeschichte hier zu teilen, damit Sie alle mit mir danken und dem großartigen Mann danken, der mein Leben glücklich gemacht hat. Mein Mann hat mich vor 9 Jahren verlassen Ich war verwirrt. Ich suchte Hilfe auf der ganzen Welt, um ihn zurückzubringen. Ich wurde viele Male von falschen Leuten getäuscht. Im letzten Monat sah ich eine Online-Werbung einer deutschen Dame, die den Namen Dr.Okosun teilte. Sie sagte, er sei ein großartiger Charmeur Als ich verlorene Liebe, Beziehung und auch um eine Lösung für jedes Problem zu finden, kontaktierte ich ihn schnell, um mir zu helfen. Dr.Okosun sagte mir, dass er meinen Mann zurückbringen würde, der mich vor neun Jahren in nur 24 Stunden verlassen hat Ich war so glücklich zu hören, wie er es sagte und ich wartete darauf, dass es geschehen würde. Nach seiner Arbeit kam mein Mann nur in 24 Stunden zurück, als er sagte, dass ich ihm sagte, dass ich seinen Namen im Internet und auch im Radiosender teilen werde Deshalb teile ich seinen Namen für diejenigen, die Hilfe benötigen, um ihn zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie irgendeine Art von Beziehung haben Probleme treten mit diesem Mann in Verbindung, und ich habe Ihnen versichert, dass Dr.Okosun in Ihren Beziehungen eine Lösung und ein Glück bringen wird, da er es in nur 24 Stunden für mich getan hat. Hier sind seine Kontaktdaten für diejenigen, die mit ihm Kontakt aufnehmen möchten. E-Mail: okosunhomeofsolution@gmail.com Chat von WhatsApp und Viber: +2348052523829. Jeder, der sich mit ihm in Verbindung setzen möchte oder ihm dafür danken möchte, dass er mir geholfen hat, sollte seine hier angegebenen Kontaktinformationen verwenden. Dieser Mann ist wirklich und mächtig.