Julia finds her home overrun with bailiffs collecting her possessions. To add to her distress Lord Biddluph pays her a visit to collect what was promised to him from Sir William. Julia is in disbelief at Lord Biddluph’s proposal to exchange sex for paying off her husband’s debts and tries to turn him away but upon seeing the signed contract, feels defeated. Unable to show fortitude in such a situation she gives into
Lord Biddluph’s show of sympathy was apparently a farce, as he now writes to Colonel Montague excited for his intended victory of Julia the next day. His letter is interrupted when he has to attend on Sir William at a tavern. His letter continues in distress to say that after receiving Julia’s letter Sir William shot himself in the head and is now dead. He renounces all his evil-doing and is traumatized by the affect of his plots.
Julia is accompanied by Mr. Stanley (her “uncle”) and Miss Finch back to her family. She will now live half the year with her father and the other half with Mr. Stanley whom she has built up a good relationship with. For once in a long time, Julia is contented with her life.
You can’t help but feel bad for Julia. Just when she thought her husband couldn’t get any lower, the person she hates most in the world comes bearing that contract. I wonder if she would have been more accommodating if it was Baron Tonhausen who came with the indecent proposition. Yes, of course, I know she wouldn’t; I just couldn’t resist! Did anyone buy that Biddluph was actually moved by her display of distress? That he genuinely felt remorse for his shameful actions? I know I did. That made me even more disgusted in the following letter when Biddluph admitted his act was just a farce so that he could get what Sir William signed over to him whether Julia was willing or not.
I also noted something of interest that some of you may have picked up as well. After Biddluph leaves Julia’s faithful servant, Win comes into the room and Julia, “forgetting the distance betwixt us (but misery makes us all equal), I threw my arms around her and shed floods of tears into her faithful bosom.” When Win is mentioned in the book all other times it is with the most grateful affection. Yet, even though Win has served Julia as both friend and servant, Julia is in the state of mind that hugging Win is beneath her. For someone such as the saintly Julia to think that, makes you realize the sort of distance between servant and master/mistress.
The Georgiana Connection
Sir William’s suicide due to mounting debts was inspired by the death of John Damer which occurred two years previous to The Sylph’s release. Damer was the husband of Anne Damer a talented sculptor and friend to Georgiana. Damer was known to be a drunk and gambler, who couldn’t hold on to a shilling. When his debts amounted to obscene amounts of money he, like Sir William, shot himself in the upstairs of a tavern. This left his wife to deal with the debts, but luckily she, like Julia had a fairy god uncle; in Anne’s case it was Horace Walpole who helped her get on her feet again.
The last few chapters end with everyone hooking up. Miss Finch and Sir George Brundenel seemed to of formed an attachment and even Louisa has found love in the form of James Spencer. Love is in the air!
With a few more chapters to go, does anyone have any predictions? Will Julia happily live out her widowhood with Mr. Stanley or is there something else in the cards.
Speaking of predictions, I think that Julia will end up with this Woodley person. At least that would be fitting, considering that he has been mentioned again just when she became a widow. And we know that he loves her.
ReplyDeleteI did believe that Biddulph was touched by Julia's words. Well, I hope that his remorse concerning Lord Stanley are at least true. Not that it will make any difference in his case. I think that he will forget his remorse soon enough.
Was it just me or did the pace quickened in this batch of letters? It seemed like the author couldn't wait to finish off Sir William.
I missed our last discussion, but to go there a minute; I was in total shock when I read about the proposition- how low! That Biddulph is vermin. In the letters discussed this week, I have to say that I felt such a relief when Julia managed to escape that first encounter with the Vermin and was particularly pleased about her letter and getting away. But then, when reading about William`s death- that too surprised me. I never thought for a moment that he`d take that route..but then again, throughout this read his behaviour is so radical and temperamental...I also found that the death came about quite abruptly, and I have to agree with Farida, that it almost read as though she had had it with this cvharacter and time for a change (snicker;)
ReplyDeleteI`ll be reading the final letters this evening and I think what I`ll be looking for are more comparisons to Georgie`s life and turnabouts..I``m curious to see if she mends up the pieces nicely (as in a fairytale she would have liked for herself)- or if she will bring on a stronger, wiser and new Julia ready to face the world differently.
Now on the basis of 'The Duchess' I'd say this was wishful thinking on Georgie's part but, as we know Canis wasn't really that bad at all, it seems almost clairvoyante of Harriet's marriage (which was yet to occur) and what she would've most likely loved to do...
ReplyDeleteAs to predictions I shan't speak 'cause I've read ahead...
I read the first letter like a tele novela. would be fascinating seeing the sylph on a screen...
ReplyDelete@Farida, It could be! Everything happened so suddenly, but with that sort of situation that is probably how it feels in real life. Or it could also be there isn't as much reading in the last few salons as there was in the beginning :p
ReplyDelete@A Lady, I almost feel like it was brought to film already! I see a lot of Julia in how Georgiana was portrayed in The Duchess (isolated, not independent, etc), and not the Georgiana I have studied. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to see it on screen either! Wouldn't it be fabulous if Masterpiece picked it up? Who would you want to see play Julia, or Sir William?
Poor Mr. E. Stanley, he 'suffered' a great deal under the delicacies and sensebilities of the Grenvilles. Still, I had fun reading it and his plotting to have Brudenel marry Louisa... Well, Mr. Spencer is in the way and I am sure, the real man behind the Sylph will show up, it's just time for that.
@Heather - let me think...
ReplyDeleteWhat about Emily Blunt, Claire Foy, hm, and Sir William... hard choice... what do you think?
Alan Cumming, all the way!
ReplyDeleteI think Emily Blunt would be a great choice! And for William... I cannot think of his name but what about the guy that played Canis the movie?
ReplyDeleteNot Canis, sorry, I meant Earl Grey. He should play him. The same guy that played Willoughby. in the BBC version.
ReplyDeleteDominic Cooper, right? I think it's Dominic Cooper.
ReplyDeleteGreat choice. Emily and Dominic then. Who is writing or calling to ask them?