Tuesday, August 12, 2008

On the Duchess of Devonshire...

"[A portrait of Georgiana] in pastel, by Hugh Hamilton gives hopes to mothers of ugly fourteen-year-old daughters. This was her age in 1771 and it is impossible to guess from her lumpy face that she would turn into the fascinating creature we read so much about."

-The sassy and fabulous Deborah, Duchess of Devonshire


  1. It is a difficult age for both sexes. One hopes that she was not further tortured with spots, which no painter expecting payment would paint!

  2. I don't know, she looks pretty to me! I also really like her nose, so perhaps I am biased??

  3. My sentiments exactly! I'm assuming I am biased.

  4. xDDD Oh, there's nothing like family to flatter you. Giving hope to mothers of fourteen-year-old daughters....
