Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mother Knows Best

"Has John ever had any real symptoms of worms? If he has I imagine they might easily be got rid of."

Lady Spencer
20 September 1784


  1. Well, some things never change, even for the privileged!

  2. Double ick! And knowing a little of 18th century medicine, I might have taken my chances with the worms. Some of those cures seem even viler (if that's even possible) than the afflictions! Only think of poor Ste Fox as a baby and his ground wood lice/mercury cocktail....

  3. Lady Spenser is always so wonderfully practical.

  4. Isn't she though? Don't we all wish we had a Lady Spencer in our life?

  5. I feel like my mother is quite Lady Spencer-ish. She doesn't mince words!

  6. She certainly doesn't! Sometimes her letters make me laugh out loud, such is this case. This quote reminds me of when you are an awkward tween trying on clothes in the dressing room and your mother/grandmother keeps inquiring as to whether the jeans you're trying on are too tight in the crotch, loud enough for all other dressers to hear.

  7. Ohh this has made my morning! LOL :)
