Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Georgie!

It's our favourite Duchess' birthday today! June 7 marks the 252nd anniversary of her Grace's birth. So now that you know, get out there and party like a duchess! Bring out the chips and cards, pink champagne, and your newest garb and paint the town red. Lauren and I will be at a bridal shower celebrating other things but the night is young and Georgie's birthday doesn't end until midnight. Just be weary of those faro tables!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha today's my birthday! I had no idea! Wow, thats great, because the only other famous person I knew to be today was The Artist Formerly Known as Prince or whatever lol :)

  3. Georgie is definitely my all-time favourite Duchess- Happy Birthday (I guess I must have had a feeling...just bought beautiful Italian champagne glasses a couple of days ago!)

  4. Our birthdays are three days apart!

  5. Happy birthday, G!! I get to celebrate by going to a meeting. (And,no, it's not a Whig rally. Guess I'll have to leave my plumes and fox tails at home!)

  6. You mean everyone had cake, except me, who had a bite of cake before I had to fulfill my duties. Now I know why Fanny Burney was not happy about her appointment as a lady in waiting.
