Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinqo de Mayo

Happy Cinqo de Mayo to all Mexican gossipers! What better way to celebrate than with an 18th century Mexican artist, Miguel Cabrera.

Miguel Cabrera, Spaniard and Indian Woman, 1763
Miguel Cabrera, Mexican Family, 1763
Miguel Cabrera, Spaniard and Octoroon Woman, 1763
Miguel Cabrera, Spaniard and Mulatto Morisca, 1763
Miguel Cabrera, Spaniard and Black, Mulatto, 1763


  1. That was an interesting exercise in racial profiling. Retro

    Happy Cinco De Mayo to you!
    I brought cajeta de leche con platano for the pot luck lunch.

  2. I remember all of the paintings!!
    My History public textbooks were full of them, I was often puzzled and amazed at how many Castas there were listed:
    Peninsular,Indio,Negro,Chino, Castizo, Meztizo, Albino, Tornaatras, mulato, lobo, coyote, and so many more! And of course a painting for each of them...

    Thank you for remembering us folks from the Spanish Main :D

  3. There's so much to be read about cultural relations and views in all those paintings. I'm really enjoying examining them!

  4. @Retro, YUM!

    @Miss Honnette, I was quickly blogging before going to work so I could only add so many. I may just have to add more, they're so gorgeous.

    @Alice, Not only are they gorgeous but they give much food for thought. I find them so interesting!

  5. thank you :) im from mexico and i really love your blog, its gorgeous and amazing ;)
