Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Message for a Diva In Training

Dear Taylor Swift,

I know you're just a mini-diva (divette?) and have yet to achieve a gay following but you need to take a lesson from some icons who know what they are doing! Your eighteenth century performance (and video) lack lustre, making them appear half-assed. It's all or nothing, girlfriend! If you have a Georgian gown, please make it it well-crafted one (and for your attendants as well!). You have very pretty hair but it needs to at least be powdered in order for you to wear that gown. Plus Regency men and Georgian women don't mix well. You are talented but still have much to learn. Please, learn from the best:




  1. Wow...Taylor's costumes are baaaaaaad! Seriously, you could do better from my local rent a costume shop!

  2. My sentiments exactly! This is definitely not the I am Sasha Fierce tour with Chris March aiding in the wardrobe!

  3. What a class performance Madonna & crew put on! Very entertaining and I love the humorous bawdy flavour that so suits that period. The other girl's act was more of a romantic nature but sooooooo boring. I love her hair too though and she's very pretty. I must admit I haven't heard of her...... maybe I'm spending too much time in the garden! :O)

  4. I've been thinking about Taylor's performance (OK - it's a slow night!) and I think she was going for a general romantically historical look, not a particular period, which means I can forgive all sorts of historical inaccuracies, but not the fact that the costumes were just plain ugly :-P

  5. All right, I'm going to weigh in on this. So many celebs these days have the same problem: unstyled-looking hair. Today's divas only seem interested in wearing the dress and not dressing the look. Seriously, though, her performance was just lacklustre. Thanks for the reminder of Madonna's performance. I haven't seen that in years and it hasn't lost any of its charm. The costumes still please after all this time.

  6. I've never heard of Miss Swift, but lackluster is a good word. Ack, the hair! Of course, nothing can compare to Madonna's Vogue and few have her Diva chops. But Madonna was born with it and honed it well.

    And Aloha, you're so right. I DO have a costume from local theatre company that's better than that!

    And who/what is Sacha Fierce? Back to Google for me....

  7. Ooh, so painful...... would be even worse to go through the videos, I'm definitely not up for squirming.

  8. I agree with aloha that the stagers (Stylists?) were probably going for a generally historical romantic look. But Madonna is the queen diva. Note the details of the hair, the feathers, and the shoes. just great.

  9. Yeah I was thinking that too (the general romantic historic look) but I still give it a fail. There are so many lovely Fairy Tale illustrations with a 18th c theme! I may be being severe on the poor girl but we can blame Madonna and Annie for upping the standards!

  10. Oh I love this performance of Madonna. I read somewhere her robe was borrowed from the Dangerous Liaisons (the movie's)costume collection.

  11. A dress borrowed from Dangerous Liaisons? Madonna, you'se so lucky :o Anyway, I agree with Aloha, Taylor Swift was probably representing a general romantically historical period, which requires not much accuracy from the clothes - it just seemed to me that some of her "attendants" dresses in the beginning look a little medieval / fantasy... But Madonna's show! Good lord! How AWESOME! And must be one of the few persons who can actually dance with a dress like that so well. I'm still amazed at how good it was. I love the sound they do when they open their fans - and by the way, that trick they do in the middle when they throw their fans and then catch it... Brilliant.


  12. You did not just compare Taylor Swift with Madonna!! I have to say that's not fair to Taylor Swift! She's just some cutesy teenager like Hannah Montana (if that's a real person; if not, whoever plays her), Vanessa Hudgens, and those other people on Walmart lunchboxes. Madonna, on the other hand, would seem to have more talent, and definitely has way more fans (and hence more expensive ticket prices and a bigger budget) plus is not just a singer but a "performance artist" in that she reinvents herself constantly and markets her changing images. Of course Madonna is going to have better costumes and better choreography!

    All that aside; yeah, Taylor's performance sucked.

  13. My elderly mom loves the Love story-video as she thinks its nice that teens still have silly romantic songs and not just rap about hos and guns. I myself love the song and video, its so sappy and honest in a way.
    Madonna's performance has yet to be topped. She rules the stage and the fanflip made me watch the whole thing over and over again.

  14. God. I had never seen that Madonna vid before, and it is so fantastic! The dress is amazing, very good for some late 80s concert costume, and obviously inspired by Dangerous Liaisons. Only Madonna I suppose, why can't she still be that cool?!
    And it was great to see the Francaise gown move in that way, with the panniers getting thrown around the stage like that.

    But, that Taylor Swift thing, is an insult to anyone who knows anything about fashion history, in my opinion. Taylor Swift is generally... an embarrassment.

    But I think more ladies should go for historical costumes in music videos and such. They're very effective. I'd love to see Britney in a wasp-waisted Vaudeville gown!

  15. There are also others who have tried: German LaFee - Beweg dein Arsch and Billy Piper - Because we want to:
    September 12, 2009 8:53 AM

  16. Oh god, they make Taylor look good. Way to trash it up LaFee, maybe the Sugar Babes should team up with her! And Billie should needs to be a more convincing Madonna!
