Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yay or Nay? Queen Charlotte

The debate over Farinelli's outfit had many great points and counters and in the end the singer was victorious, earning him a Yay for successfully pulling off pink and black before Chanel could even dream of doing so.  All this talk of spangle and lace detail has given me a hunger for more.  But is there a limit to lace?

Johann Zoffany paints Queen Charlotte (1766) and her slender frame showing off her husband's miniature. But how can one even pay attention to that bauble amongst all that ribbon and lace.  Yay or Nay?

[Holburne Museum of Art]


  1. Oh my goodness, I keep missing these or forgetting to vote! My sincere apologies.

    Hmm, when done in good taste, lace is rarely overdone by 18th century standards I think--quite lovely! I know many didn't consider Queen Charlotte a great beauty, but I think the overall look of her outfit is graceful, from the soothing blue shade of the ribbon at her neck and full skirts, to the unusual earrings and restrained hairstyle. The long white gloves, and of course--the miniature visible on her wrist are elegant as well. So overall, a definite Yay!

  2. The dress is a lovely colour and i love the lace, but i think there is a bit TOO much lace for my liking,
    yet i still think its a lovely dress, so yay

  3. Yay. A true Lady of Fashion and Taste.

  4. An absolute yeah, only because she looks so slender and elegant. Love the colors on her.

  5. This ensemble works for me and I think part of the reason is the lace is confined to the dress/neckline. Her coiffure is left unadorned to show off the style rather than cover it with more lace making the entire look overwhelming so, YAY.

    An overall stunning look and she carries it off beautifully.

  6. I hate the neck ruffle, but in all other respects it's a big yay from me.

  7. I like everything except the neck adornment. It makes me think of something you'd tack on to cover a sudden blemish before your high school picture. Overall yay, though.

  8. Though I'm not a fan of that lace ascot-like piece around her neck, the rest of her dress is just fabulous. Yay!

  9. The lace AND bow at the neck is a little [cough] much, but overall I think the dress is quite lovely! Yay.

  10. that lace. A big yay from me.

  11. I can never have enough lace so I say yay. However, the colour of the lace almost looks dingy.

  12. I'm liking that soft baby blue color, because it completly matches the color of her skin. She has used as many ribbon as any fashionable lady of her time would have done. She looks sweet as pastry, just like Marie Antoinette as a cupcake(a comparison made by one of Louis XVI aunts)

  13. I'm a huge fan of Queen Charlotte, so it's a bit hard for me to separate my admiration for the woman from the outfit. And there is so much to love in the outfit: the colour is fabulous, the silhouette graceful, the details so cunning (I love, love, love that you can see the outline of her second miniature through her glove), but...

    ...while it is a fabulous dress, a few of the details are completely off. I hate moire or watered silk. It's just not delicate enough for the rococo. And the lace neck ruffle is ridiculous - the lace doesn't match her other lace, it is out of proportion to the outfit, and in order to squash it in the artist had to perch her head at an anatomically improbably distance from the rest of her body.

    So Nay, because, while it is a pretty dress, this era has done it better.

  14. I'm going to say Yay because I love the dress and don't think the lace and ribbons are too much, however I'm not 100% sold on the neck ribbon and lace, that may be a bit too much.

  15. Yay from me. Thank you, Miss Honnette, you made my Monday morning brighter with your comment that "she looks sweet as pastry" and the Queen as a cupcake. Yum!

  16. I say Yeah. This is one of the more flattering portraits of Queen Charlotte.

  17. Yay, she looks very relaxed & elegant.

  18. YAY!I love everything but the neck piece! She sure is a skinny little thing.

  19. Yay. The thing about 18th century lace is that it was handmade, and breathtaking, unlike the stiff modern versions we see in replica clothing. I think this dress is graceful, and her head gear is not over whelming the dress.

  20. This is one lovely dress. I am a huge fan of lace, and this shade of blue is gorgeous against her white skin. YAY from me!
