Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yay or Nay? Mary Boteler

What a daring crowd we have Naying an empress!  Maria Theresa's lace extravagance was not appreciated, or perhaps it was the color that truly killed it, either way she ended up with a Nay.  This week there has been much talk about the Royal Ascot and the hats that appeared with it.  So I can't help but put forth a selection this week that includes a hat fit for Ascot.

John Hoppner paints Mary Boteler (1786) in her double buckle picture hat complete with gown of ribbons and gauze and classic black choker.  Yay or Nay?

[Cecil Higgins Art Gallery]


  1. Funny, I dislike many elements of this piece, but the whole captivates me. Yay.


  2. I find her look sweet and charming. Yay.

  3. The colour reminds me of an overboiled cabbage.
    There is just too much going on- lace, ribbons, bows, feathers and buckles..
    Awful, Nay.

  4. Yay. I could never wear it but it looks lovely on her.

  5. I'm going to give her a yay. I love the hat, the dress is a little too flouncy, but overall it is a pretty ensemble.
    I wonder, does anyone know, is she connected to the Boteler's of Watton Woodhall?

  6. Whoa! Now isn't that a frothy confection?!? But for some reason, it works. She has a sweet face and I love the colour of her ensemble. And the hat is awesome. Yay, for sure

  7. That black choker stands out like a sore thumb and reminds me of the "scary stories" we used to tell when I was a kid (which was a million years ago now!) about the woman who always wore the black ribbon around her neck and one day, her new love removed it and her head fell off!

    So, love the outfit, hate the choker and how it breaks the flow of the painting.

    A qualified yay.

  8. Er I don't think it is a black choker, I believe it is the rather miniscule ribbon used to tie on the hat, over picture is very nice, I would wear if if someone held a gun on me...really. Retrp

  9. The color is very 'mushroom-meets-cauliflower' (shudder), but da-yum, that IS a hat worthy of the Ascot. Yay, all in all.

  10. Great hat- love the double buckle. Yay!

  11. I'll give it a yay! I think the outfit is well balanced; even quite over-the-top hat looks very elegant, because of that lovely, calm pearl grey color of the outfit. The bow under the breast is adorable, and the tulle or chiffon on the collar gives the whole outfit a touch of softness. It's very cute and fresh! Definitely YAY!

  12. I agree with what Caramea said; this is definitely a yay in my books!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It's a big fluffy mess. There are bows or something on the hat, a bow at her neck, a bow below her breasts, probably a bow at her waist and who knows where else. I guess I'm one of the few but Nay.

  15. For the love of taste, burn it. If any dress would be too much, it is this one. It looks like she's imprisoned in it...
    In regard to the colour... I think that portrait needs a firm cleaning.

  16. yay

    Frothy and somewhat fussy, but I could easily see taking a stroll through some gardens in this. Somehow it works well together.

  17. lol nightmusic, I remember those stories. :)

    I am on the fencepost. The colour is unpleasant, it's all so one note & not a terribly wonderful note at that, someone needs to tune that harpsicord! The hat is stunning, she has a sweet face & it all does manage to work on her somehow. Although why a woman her age would voluntarily dress in cabbage drab is beyond me. There are so many other pretty pale shades out there that would have suited her so much better. Even the background in the painting does not seem to be happy about it.
